My username, Amara My e-mail, my story, I have made this story for enjoyment but some may find it offensive. Also, I don’t own these characters and they belong to Naoko Takeuchi…you know the rest. “That’s it” Usa smiled evilly. “Aww, not again.” Hotaru said exasperated. Usa had just beaten her (again) at cards. “How do you always manage to beat me Usa-Chan?” Hotaru asked. “I don’t know, I just can.” Usa said. “OW!” Hotaru suddenly shouted out in pain, dropping all her cards. Usa moved forward to her friend. “What is it?” she asked concerned. Hotaru closed her eyes and then opened them again. “Nothing, don’t worry.” Hotaru answered. Usa did worry but could see that Hotaru didn’t want to talk. “I have to go.” Hotaru said and got up. Usa got up too. “I’m sorry.” Usa said. Hotaru looked shocked. “Why are you apologising?” “Well, if I didn’t insist you stay, you wouldn’t have been hurt.” “Usa, I am not hurt.” Hotaru smiled at her friend and left the house. Hotaru ran down the driveway and turned slightly to wave at her friend. Usa waved back. “Why don’t you tell me what’s wrong Hotaru-Chan?” Usa thought to herself. Usa went inside and looked at the mass of cards that Hotaru had dropped in her sudden pain. Usa started to pick up the cards but stopped as she saw one of Hotaru’s schoolbooks. Usa flicked through it and saw something on the middle page, which should have been blank. It was in Hotaru’s handwriting and was slightly messy. Usa hesitated but read it anyway. It said: I know it is useless to write this down but it is better than keeping it inside me. I have been having terrible seizures again, worse than ever, and they always follow an incredibly sharp pain that tears through my body. Usa looked up and remembered Hotaru shouting out in pain. She put two and two together and knew she left because she was going to have a seizure. “HOTARU-CHAN!” Usa cried out as she ran out of the house and down the street calling Hotaru’s name. She didn’t know where she was going so she just let her feet lead her. Down alley after alley she ran. She skidded to a halt and looked down a dead end alley, it was Hotaru! “Hotaru-Chan!” Usa cried and ran up to her friend. Hotaru was kneeling, breathing heavily. She looked at Usa shocked and cried out as the pain grew inside her. “Help me Odango-Chan!” Hotaru cried. Usa was slightly shocked; Hotaru hadn’t ever called her that before. She felt her heart beat even harder. “How, Hotaru-Chan?! How can I help you?!” Usa cried in despair. “I Don’t Know.” Hotaru cried out between breaths. Usa took out her ginzuishou and tried to help Hotaru but she was resisting the power of the ginzuishou somehow. “I can’t help you!” Usa cried in complete despair. Hotaru started to gain control again and between deep breaths she asked “How did you know where to find me?” “I don’t know, my legs just took me here.” Usa replied. “How did you know to come looking for me?” Hotaru asked and Usa looked away. “Usa?” “I am sorry Hotaru, I read that note in the middle of your work book.” Usa cried. “Oh, Please don’t cry, my Odango-Chan.” Hotaru said gently. Usa looked up at her. “Odango-Chan?” Usa whispered. “Oh, Usa, I love you!” Hotaru cried, tears now staining both their faces. Usa just stared in shock but Hotaru thought that Usa was angry and ran away shouting “Gomen Usa, Gomen (sorry).” Hotaru stopped when she reached the park and noticed that it was the same spot in which she had first met Usa. “Gomennasai, Usa, and Domo Arigatou (I’m sorry, Usa, and thank you).” Hotaru said aloud and then fainted. Usa skidded round the corner just in time to hear what Hotaru had said. “Hotaru-Chan! Don’t say things like that!” She ran forward and supported her friends head, She noticed how pretty Hotaru was as she saw her black hair mask her closed eyes, “It sounds to much like a goodbye.” Usa looked over her friend and noticed that she wasn’t breathing, “So, it was a good bye.” Usa cried. She leaned over her friend and kissed her softly on the lips and then again, but deeper, and more passionate. “Aishiteru, Hotaru.” Usa cried and kissed her again. Hotaru’s chest started once again to rise and fall. “Hotaru!” Usa cried. “YOUR O.K!” “Domo Arigatou.” Hotaru said. “Iie, Domo Arigatou.” Usa replied and they kissed again, with the love of futures and pasts, also the present time, which they wished could last forever. Later, Hotaru and Usa were at Hotaru’s house; Hotaru’s Mama’s and Papa were out. “They won’t be back until tomorrow evening. So, we have all tonight and tomorrow alone.” Hotaru said slyly. Usa smiled but then became serious. “Are you sure you are O.K?” She asked looking at Hotaru. Hotaru avoided her eyes and said “Of course Usa, I am always fine around you. Would you like something to eat? It is getting to be about 9:00 (pm).” Usa sensed that her friend was lying but didn’t say anymore. “Yeah! I am sooo hungry.” Usa replied. Hotaru tilted her head to one side and smiled at her friend. “I will make dinner, you can go and watch T.V.” Hotaru said. “Oh, can’t I help?” Asked Usa enthusiastically. Hotaru knew she only wanted to help but to put it bluntly; Usa didn’t mix well with the kitchen. “That’s O.K Usa; I can do it.” Hotaru said. Usa looked sad but smiled and turned around, and then walked out. Hotaru cooked a feast, A roast dinner that was fit for a king. Chicken, potatoes, parsnips, carrots and all sorts of side dishes. She called Usa and as she came in her eyes widened. “You made all this?!” Usa asked in disbelief. “Yes.” Hotaru said quietly and indicated to a chair. Usa sat down and started. Hotaru didn’t eat much but Usa didn’t notice, Hotaru smiled as Usa ate her weight in food. “MMMMMMM” Usa muffled through her last mouthful. “Where did you learn to cook like that?” “I often watch Setsuna-Mama when she cooks and she helps me to cook sometimes too.” Hotaru smiled at the awestruck look on Usa’s face. “Wow!” Hotaru said “What?” “It’s ten o’clock!” “So?” “It’s time for bed…” Hotaru finished and was wearing a sly and playful smile. “Oh, O.K” Usa said. “You go ahead while I clean up.” Hotaru said. “O.K then, I’ll be waiting…” And with that Usa left the kitchen and went to Hotaru’s room. Hotaru finished clearing up and went upstairs. She got half way up the stairs when she had to stop. She backed up a few paces holding her chest in pain. She gasped for air and tried to call for Usa’s help but nothing came out. She tried to get to her room but as soon as she got her door she felt as if she was going to die of pain. She fell forwards into the door, it opened and Hotaru fell into her room. “Hotaru-Chan!” Usa cried in shock. “Why does this keep happening?!” Usa asked. “I don’t know!” Hotaru cried out in pain. “Please Usa, Call Michiru-Mama and Haruka-Papa and Setsuna-Mama!” Hotaru cried between breaths. “I don’t know their number.” Usa said helplessly. “On the dresser by the phone.” Hotaru managed before her attack got even worse, hardly allowing her to breath. “I can’t leave you.” Usa cried. “PLEASE!” Hotaru screamed in pain as it got worse and worse. Usa ran downstairs and picked up the phone, she was very scared but her hand was still steady as she dialled the number on the pink note. “Hello?” It was Michiru. “MICHIRU!” “Usa?! What’s wrong?!” “It’s Hotaru! She’s having a really bad fit! Please help us!” “Hold on just a while longer, go to her, we will be there shortly thanks to Setsuna.” “HURRY!” Usa hung up and sprinted upstairs as fast as she could. “HOTARU-CHAN! THEY ARE COMEING! HOLD ON!” Usa shouted and burst into her room, Hotaru was on her hands and knees. “Usa-Chan…” Hotaru said and then everything around her went black. “HOTARU-CHAN?!” Usa cried in complete despair. “We’re here!” Setsuna said and they burst into the room, they saw Usa lying there holding the unconscious form of Hotaru. “Let go, Usa.” Setsuna said and Usa did as she was told, Haruka picked Hotaru up and went to lie her on the bed but Hotaru’s body began to glow and powered up, Haruka was thrown backwards by the force of Hotaru’s light. Michiru ran to Haruka’s side. Setsuna transformed into Sailor Pluto “Pluto planet power, make up!” and grabbed Usa by the back, She held her talisman at arms length and it glowed. She pushed Usa back to Michiru and Haruka who held her tight. Setsuna’s Talisman set up a shied around them just as Hotaru’s Power exploded and everything in the room was demolished, except what was in the shield. “What’s happening?” Usa cried. Setsuna ignored the question from Usa and Shouted at the outers. “TRANSFORM!” “Uranus planet power, make up!” “Neptune planet power, make up!” They transformed and so did Usa. The four were unable to move the shield and didn’t have the power to hold the shield as well as prepare the sailor teleport and Setsuna couldn’t hold the shield as well as teleport them so they were stuck. “We can’t keep this up forever!” Uranus exclaimed. “What is happening to her?” Neptune asked Pluto. “I don’t know.” Pluto said solemnly. The power emanating from Hotaru suddenly grew massively and the four senshi cried out in pain as they tried to hold the barrier. In a bright flash of light, Hotaru transformed into Sailor Saturn, without her transformation stick and without saying ‘Saturn planet power, Make up!’ The four other senshi were completely confused. “We can’t just stand here and let her destroy us!” Uranus shouted. “But what can we do?! She is our daughter!” Setsuna cried out in pain as another power surge hit the shield. “She wouldn’t want us to be destroyed, even if that meant her own demise.” Neptune said quietly, but even though it was quiet, everyone heard. Silent tears fell down Usa’s face but she knew that Michiru was right. “O.K. Ready, and remember, we don’t want to destroy her, just knock her so she can’t use her powers.” Uranus said. “O.K!” came the reply from the other three senshi. All at once they broke the shield and fired their attacks. All four attacks went forward and just as they were about to hit Sailor Saturn, they were all dispersed by her power. The same surge of power that destroyed the attacks was about to destroy the senshi when… “MOON CRYSTAL POWER!!” Sailor moon arrived and set up a new shield to protect the senshi. The shield was put up just in time as the surge hit and Sailor moon was forced back. “Usa! I know there is something special between you and Hotaru!” Sailor moon cried. The three outers were shocked. “You can use your love to get through to her!” Sailor moon said and was forced back a few more steps as another surge hit her shield. “How can we help?” The three outers asked. “You are to drained to help, any further fighting may cause you more harm than good, I can keep up this barrier on my own for now, but Usa, please hurry. Usa nodded and sat down. She closed her eyes and concentrated on Hotaru. She heard Hotaru screaming, arguing with someone or something inside her head. “GET OUT AND LEAVE THEM ALONE!” Hotaru cried. “You don’t command me, I command you, and you will obey, you have no choice.” Said a creepy, old voice. “You can no longer inhabit me if I am dead, and if that is the only way then so be it!” Hotaru said boldly and at that point Usa was forced out. Back in the real world: “She’s getting stronger! I can’t hold it back!” Sailor moon had tears rolling down her cheeks from the pain. “Usa? What happened? Why is her power growing?” Sailor moon asked worriedly. “She was arguing with someone, I don’t know who, She said… She said…” Usa burst out crying and Michiru hugged her to comfort her. “What did Hotaru say?” “She said if the only way to get rid of that thing and save us was to kill herself then… she said she would do it, Oh Michiru! She’s going to kill herself!” Usa buried her face in Michiru’s stomach and cried. Michiru rubbed Usa’s back reassuringly. Sailor moon turned round to look at Usa and was caught off guard by a power surge. She screamed in pain as a black lightning whipped around her. Pluto instantly stood up to reinitiate her shield and try to help sailor moon. Sailor moon looked down and saw what Pluto was trying to do. She shouted to Pluto not to and Pluto was shocked, therefore she stopped. Sailor moon screamed again as she was entangled in the lightning and it shocked her harshly. Pluto had got over her temporary shock and continued to try to activate her talisman, but she was too weak and it wouldn’t activate, neither would the other outers so they were all helpless. “Mama!!” Usa cried out to see her past mother in so much pain. She ran towards Sailor Moon but Sailor Moon held out her hand to stop her. “Don’t you dare get yourself hurt Usa!” Sailor moon said sternly. The silver crystal flickered and went blank. Sailor Moon’s eyes seemed to do the same. “MAMA!! NO!!” Usa cried out as she watched a silent tear roll down Usagi’s cheek. Sailor Saturn seemed to stir from the powerful state she had been in. She called forth the Silence Glaive and stared at Usa until her feet softly touched the floor. Her eyes changed, they were no longer empty and cold, now they were filled with love and guilt. “I am sorry Usa, I had no control.” Sailor Saturn said as she let Usagi down from the lightning. “Wait! She is still alive!” Sailor Saturn exclaimed. Sailor Saturn ran forward and pressed her hand on Usagi’s heart, She poured her Ki into Usagi and Usagi’s eyes flicked open. “Thank you.” Usagi said. “Do not thank me, Sailor Moon, It is I who needs to thank you for saving them from my power.” Sailor Saturn answered. “O.K Sailor Saturn, You can stop now, I am healed.” Usagi said. “Don’t even try to lie to me, I can feel that you are still really low on energy.” Sailor Saturn said and poured even more of her energy into Usagi’s body, Usagi’s Broach began to glow and she transformed into Sailor Moon. Sailor Saturn removed her hand. “There, that’s better.” Sailor Saturn said. “Thank you.” Sailor Moon said again. Sailor Saturn smiled and turned to face the outers and Usa. “I must also return your energy.” Sailor Saturn said. She held her hands out in front of her and made a ball of her energy. She smiled and the energy started to spiral around the room and restored everything, while returning the others power to normal. Sailor Saturn changed back into Hotaru. “Hotaru! Please stop!” Usa cried. “I can’t.” Hotaru said solemnly. “Why on earth not?!” Usa asked. “Because if I stop then I will live, and if I live then I will end up killing you all.” Usa started to cry all over again, she ran forward and hugged Hotaru, She looked up at the slightly taller girl and said “Please, Hotaru, if you die, then I will have to die with you, Aishiteru.” Hotaru was shocked but then recovered herself and said “Aishiteru Usa. But this is for me alone to do, I will be re-born and therefore we will meet again. I am sorry Usa.” “What are you sorry for?” Usa asked. “For this.” Hotaru said and pushed Usa back to the outers and Sailor Moon. “Hotaru! What are you doing?!” Hotaru ignored the question. She transformed once again into Sailor Saturn and called forth the Silence Glaive. “DEATH REBORN REVOLUTION!” She shouted, the others were so shocked and scared to hear her signature move. They thought she was going to kill the world with her, but they were wrong. Ribbons shot out from her Silence Glaive first and made a bubble around her, it was containing her power. The ribbons stopped coming forth and the light began to emanate from her Silence Glaive. The glow got brighter until Usa was the only one still able to see Hotaru. Hotaru gave a weak smile to Usa. But just at that moment her eyes started to change again. She spoke in a voice that wasn’t her own. “Hotaru! Do you think that you will really keep yours and my power cooped up in this pathetic shield??” The words came from her mouth but she wasn’t saying it. Everyone was shocked to hear a voice and then the light became stronger. “We should set up the shield, just in case.” Sailor Pluto said. “O.K” the others agreed. Usa saw the silhouette of Sailor Saturn, She fell to the ground in pain and shouted out as her shield was destroyed by the power coming from her own body. The power hit the shield with full force and then died down a little. The 3 outers and Usagi held the shield but Usa was crying to see Hotaru in so much pain. She made up her mind in a split second and stopped crying, she ran out of the shield, to the absolute despair of the others but there was nothing they could do except watch. Usa struggled forward into the light and fell over something on the floor. She looked behind her and realised it was Hotaru! “HOTARU! Are you O.K? What a stupid question, of course your not O.K.” Usa was in hysterics and crying over Hotaru. “Please wake up Hotaru-Chan!” Usa pleaded. Hotaru’s eyelids flickered but still didn’t open. “Hotaru?” Usa asked worriedly. Hotaru’s head fell to one side but Usa wasn’t that worried because she heard Hotaru inhale. Hotaru didn’t move her face from her sideward position but still said “Usa-Chan, thank you for believing in me. But we have to get out of here.” “Why?” Usa asked. Hotaru looked up. “That power, it is a type of spirit, I can’t keep it under control. I am sorry Usa, I tried to stop it but it overpowered me, but I promise…” Hotaru was stopped as Usa put her finger on Hotaru’s lips. Hotaru pushed it away and continued. “I promise, I won’t let any harm come to you Usa.” Hotaru finished and smiled up at Usa. But just at that moment she saw a powerful blast heading their way and in a split second she got up and threw Usa into the shield. “HOTARU!!” Usa cried as she looked up. She saw Hotaru being blasted and in her weak form she evolved into Sailor Saturn and tried to withstand it using the Silence Wall. It didn’t work and her Silence Glaive was smashed to pieces, she tried to stand against the attack for as long as she could… But she was overpowered and the all to familiar black lightning that nearly killed Sailor Moon whipped around Sailor Saturn. She was electrocuted as it concentrated on her… She thought of all the good times she had shared with Chibi-Usa… They seemed so long ago… “Usa… I am so…Sorry…” Hotaru cried and fell to the floor motionless. But as she had said, when she died, the spirit died with her… All things seemed to be undone as a light spread from the now unmoving Sailor Saturn. She turned back to Hotaru and floated for a few seconds before hitting the floor and raising dust. The light faded and the Sailor Soldiers shield was let down. Usa ran forward to her friend and hugged her in a tight embrace; all the lamps in Hotaru’s now restored room lit and a warm glow spread over them all. “Lets leave Usa alone.” Michiru said tenderly. She left quietly and the others followed suit. Setsuna didn’t want to leave and gave a sad look at Usa and her ‘daughter’ before shutting the door. Usa sat next to Hotaru’s body and held her hand. “Wake up! Don’t you dare be dead! I forbid it as the princess of the Future Crystal Tokyo!” Usa was crying. She watched as the lamps glow illuminated Hotaru’s face and noticed something, not for the first time, “Hotaru, why? I can’t live without you… Please, don’t leave me all alone!” Usa cried. “Your not alone.” Usa was shocked and looked at Hotaru but Hotaru was still quite motionless. She looked up and saw an image of Sailor Saturn. “Oh, Hotaru.” Usa said quietly. “Don’t worry, you have lots of friends, my Odango-Chan. And please forgive me.” “For what?” Usa asked. “Hotaru, my human form, is still alive…” “SHE IS?!” Usa asked shocked and shook Hotaru but stopped as soon as she saw that she was causing the Sailor Saturn pain. Usa tore her eyes from Hotaru and met Sailor Saturn’s eyes. They were Hotaru’s, but they only held pain. “Yes, but she shouldn’t be, I am only still here because she is, and she is only here because you are. I am sorry Usa, I can’t allow you to do anything to get in the way.” And with that Usa was teleported downstairs and appeared in front of the others. They stared. “What happened?” Asked Michiru. “Hotaru!” Was the best Usa could manage and ran upstairs, closely followed by the others. She hesitated outside the door because she felt Sailor Saturn’s power building. She opened the door and the four burst in. They just stared at the sight that met their eyes: Hotaru was on her feet and so was the image of Sailor Saturn. They each had a hand touched together, their right hands entwined and as Hotaru faded slightly, the image of Sailor Saturn got more solid until they were both solid. All the others could do was watch. “I love you, Usa.” Hotaru said and Sailor Saturn called forth her Silence Glaive and swung it out in a circular motion, ending at her side. For a few tense moments nothing happened, but then Hotaru fell to her knees clutching her chest. She was not having a seizure, Usa knew that much, she was in pain. Usa ran forward and removed Hotaru’s hand from her chest. Usa saw her hand covered in blood and turned to face Sailor Saturn. “You killed her!” Usa yelled. “No, I am only her, I am her spirit and so am controlled by her, she killed herself, but needed someone to actually strike her down, she knew you wouldn’t allow anyone else, so I obliged. “YOU AREN’T SAILOR SATURN!!” Usa shouted, causing the others to jump to their senses. Sailor Saturn smirked. “True, but she really did make the decision. And I have to admit, I am glad to go down with her, because now I can make her after-life hell!” Sailor Saturn turned into smoke and was absorbed by Hotaru. Usa stared and then turned back to Hotaru. “Please don’t leave me alone.” Usa said in a barely hear-able whisper. “I have to.” Hotaru said and a silent tear ran down her pale cheek. She turned her head and she breathed in Usa’s sweet smell. But just as she lost her heartbeat she realised… Usa, She is my reason to live. That is why the spirit was trapped in me! I wanted to die; I had no reason to live! But now I can’t die! “Usa…” Hotaru whispered. “I don’t want to die!” “Oh, Hotaru!” Usa cried and hugged her friend. Hotaru’s eyes closed and all went black; nothing moved but then, out of this nothing; there was light… “Usa?” Hotaru asked. She opened her misty eyes and noticed she was in her bed. She also saw a new lamp, with a few words painted on, she moved forward, ignoring the pain from her chest and saw it was in Usa’s writing. It read: ‘Hotaru and Usa together forever.’ Hotaru started to get up and realised just how much pain she was in. She looked down and saw a blood-soaked bandage. She moved along the wall for support until she reached the doorway. She quietly opened the door and walked quicker down the hall, wanting to see Usa. She went down the stairs two at a time but made no sound at all. She turned the corner and put her ear to the living-room door: Haruka: She is really weak, she may not pull through. Usa: Don’t say such things! She is going to be fine! She has to be! Michiru: Oh, Usa, you know that the wound was meant to kill her don’t you? She knew it was strong enough. Setsuna: But she wanted to die then, I think the fact that she wants to live will make a difference. But not even I can see the outcome of this. Usa: I know she will be O.K! She has to be! Hotaru heard Usa running to the door and tried to move back but still collided with Usa as she ran at high speed from the room. “HOTARU!!” Usa exclaimed. “Oww, Hi.” Hotaru rubbed her chest. The others had heard and come running out to see what had happened. “Hotaru?!” They all stared. “Yes?” Hotaru asked innocently, laughing at their awestruck faces. “Oh, It’s so nice to hear you laugh again, we have missed it.” Michiru smiled. “Missed it? How long have I been there?” Hotaru asked. “About 3 weeks.” Setsuna finally said after a long silence. “Wow, thank you for looking after me you guys.” Hotaru said. (A/N: I am now referring to Chibi-Usa as Usagi, seeing as they are both about 20 now.) Hotaru and Usagi were walking through the park. “This is the exact spot we met, Usa.” Hotaru said and got down on one knee, “Usagi, Princess of the Future Crystal Tokyo…will you marry me?” Hotaru asked and showed Usagi a ring with their Sailor Soldier Symbols imprinted and entwined with each other, Hotaru’s side was a purple and Usagi’s was a golden-white. “Oh, Hotaru! Of course I will marry you!” Usagi cried. And they walked down the road, hand in hand, nothing ever to tear them apart again.